Meet Brookland District Supervisor Dan Schmitt
In addition to serving as Henrico County’s Brookland District Supervisor, Dan is a husband, father, and business leader. He is passionate about Henrico County and has a desire to make it an even better place to live, work, and play.
Dan is the founder and president of RMC Events, a local company that boasts nearly 400 Henrico County citizens among its nearly 2,000 employees. Dan also serves on the Boards of Richmond Region Tourism, Metro Richmond Sportsbackers, Sportable, Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens, Greater Richmond Transit Company (GRTC), Richmond Regional Planning District Commission, and the Local Emergency Planning Commission.
Dan is a leader who believes cooperation is vital to keeping Henrico special. As your Brookland District Supervisor, Dan strives to represent our communities by working with fellow supervisors and County staff to increase a sense of community, expand recreational opportunities, and build upon the County’s economic prosperity for all who live, work, and play here - - all while keeping tax rates low.
Henrico County is a popular destination for travelers from all over Virginia and beyond. People are drawn to world-class amenities in all corners of the Brookland District and County as a whole. Dan is a leader in this space as he’s led Richmond Region Tourism as Chairman for the past 3.5 years, ensuring Henrico families reap the benefits of these world class facilities.
Great schools, not more trailers
Over half of Henrico’s tax dollars are spent on education (57% to be exact!). From Day One, Dan committed to the removal of trailers, or ‘learning cottages’ from Brookland schools. Delivering on that promise, residents immediately began to see these trailers hauled out of district schools, most notably at Holladay Elementary. Virginia law prevents supervisors from setting school policy, but Dan continues to use his influence as a Supervisor to urge school officials to place students in first rate buildings, as evidenced with the recent opening of two new high schools, one of which (Tucker) boosts nearly 50% Brookland students. Dan has already worked to ensure funding to the tune of over $70million for a world class replacement of Longan Elementary and full renovation of Johnson Elementary, further exemplifying his commitment to every corner of the district.
fiscal discipline
Dan believes in the “Henrico Way,” which stresses fiscal discipline in order to pay for new schools, libraries, sports facilities, and paving roads - - all while keeping our tax rates low. He delivered on this commitment by LOWERING the real estate tax rate from .87 to .85, further establishing Henrico’s status as one of the lowest resident tax burdens in the Commonwealth. Dan followed that up with $50million in tax rebates and credits in 2022 along with another $26+million planned in the ‘23-’24 fiscal budget — returning surplus dollars to the rightful owners, the residents of the district/county.
Dan loves helping people in his community, and he is honored to be their voice in Henrico. No one has to go through a gatekeeper to get his attention. He can be reached directly on his cell at (804) 723-1093, or by emailing him at Dan@BrooklandSupervisor.com at any time. Dan is an accessible and responsive supervisor for every resident in Brookland-regardless of their story, political leanings, or background.
public safety
Dan’s highest priority as your Brookland District Supervisor is to ensure Henrico is a safe place to live, work, and play. In his profession, Dan works extensively with public safety personnel in several jurisdictions, and he has a tremendous respect for the work they do on behalf of citizens. As your supervisor, Dan works daily with fire, police, and emergency medical personnel in Henrico to ensure they maintain their status among the best equipped, best trained, highly-awarded public safety personnel in the country.

Join Team Schmitt
“There is a lot to celebrate in Henrico County, but together, we are making it even better! I am working hard for the Brookland District and for EACH and EVERY family that I’m blessed to represent. I’d be honored to have your help to ensure that I can continue this important work! Please sign up to volunteer, or make a donation today! THANK YOU!” ~ Dan